Centre for Skill Development and Engineering Consultancy (CSDEC)

Before Launching of the NSDF, IEI Shimla this organization working as Centre for Skill Development and Engineering Consultancy, IEI, Shimla under the aegis of The Institution of Engineers (India). CSDEC Was play a very active role in the area of skill enhancement, capacity building, quality training in emerging, evolving, cutting edge technologies and where much has not been published or practiced for professional engineers, managers, scientists and young graduates. Total 50 Programs/Workshops was conduced by CSDEC from May, 2015 to 3th April, 2019 and about 2700 participants recorded their presence.
National Skill Development Fourm (NSDF) w.e.f. 1st May, 2019

The National Skill Development Forum (hereinafter referred to as NSDF) established as upgradation of the Centre for Skill Development and Engineering Consultancy (CSDEC), pursuant to the resolution of the Council of The Institution of Engineers (India) adopted at its 700th Meeting held on March 31-01 April , 2018 at Hyderabad shall have powers to do The National Skill Development Forum (hereinafter referred to as NSDF) established as upgradation of the Centre for Skill Development and Engineering Consultancy (CSDEC), pursuant to the resolution of the Council of The Institution of Engineers (India) adopted at its 700th Meeting held on March 31-01 April , 2018 at Hyderabad shall have powers to do